Are product designers trendy?

Article X RBC
June 2020

Product designer jobs are trending on HeadHunter — over the last three years, the interest in the position has doubled. With RBC, we discovered this visual player's role and skills, differentiated designers' levels and salaries within the profession, and distinguished what to think about when plotting a product team.

We talked about what makes product designers much sought-after — coupled with product managers, they simplify visual UX/UI and bring users and interfaces together. Their efficiency depends on soft and hard skills: soft skills include modernity and independence, hard ones are comprised of such vitals as visual design and UX. Next, from juniors to design directors, we graded six professions levels and collected some data on salaries — while beginners earn about 70 thousand rubles a month, crack specialists make approximately 500 rubles. Then, we made a guide on how to hire a product team one will not regret — to reckon with the industry peculiarities, consider the complexity of the product, and regard the company's size.


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