What’s behind OKR?

Research x PINKMAN
August 2020

OKR has been one of the most discussable topics during our interviews and chats with clients — some criticize this system, others praise it. Some discussions lead everyone to a dead end, that was based on rumors, blind theories and trends. Thus we decided to develop our opinion based on a profound research. We chose 15 companies that use OKR system of have used it previously and found out how does it work for them.

We highlighted such system's perks as transparency and explained how OKR works — goals and indicators on, material motivation off. Next, we tested and confirmed two hypotheses: the first — OKR is in vogue because players want to associate themselves with successful corporations who've already benefited from it; the second — what companies perceive as OKR is a far cry from its original. On the run, we got insights we hadn't foreseen and heard engaging views of top managers and employees. The final touch to our work were practical recommendations, such as "stay calm and integrate OKR gradually".

Together with PINKMAN design studio we designed a separate page to reveal research results. Read it, in case you are stuck with OKR or you are thinking on introducing this system to your team.


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